"Hack" Instagram's Photo Map to Label your Instagram Content

Whilst researching some stuff about Instagram recently, I came across this clever little way to utilise the Photo Map feature, even if your brand does not have a physical location...


The above images show how the Photo Map is traditionally used by brands. When a photo has been geo-tagged, the user taps on the name of the location, which takes them to a map showing them where it is, as well as a gallery of other photos geo-tagged to the same location. A further tap opens the map in full, where users can get directions and reviews.

Here's the "hack", demonstrated by the Puma image above. When you choose to geo-tag a photo, you are given the option to "create" a location anywhere in the world and give it a name. Since Puma doesn't have one single physical location, it uses the space normally given to the "location" of the geo-tag to label its photos.


Of course, when you click on the geo-tagged "location" in the above example,  all you get is a random place chosen by Puma - Frankfurt in Germany, in this case.

So, if your brand has no fixed physical location (perhaps just office space that you don't want customers visiting, or a web-only presence), why not use the Photo Map feature of Instagram to label your content? Best of all, the label is positioned at the top of the screen, so it is the first thing that a user sees, where otherwise they might have to scroll down to read the description for more information.


Andrew Macarthy is the author of the #1 Amazon Web Marketing Bestseller, 500 Social Media Marketing Tips, available for Kindle and in paperback.

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